
Wellcome to Arqueonatura

We will try to have up to date all the info on our activities from this web site, as well as what we think is necessary for a responsible discovering and enjoy the natural and archaeological heritage. 

You will find archaeology and nature news, Information on the actions you can enroll for collaborating, you could see the proposed walkings, lookup the file or make suggestions.

Hope you'll enjoy the ideas and it's progress, and you'd consider this your second home.

Web Proyect. We're looking for collaboration

The asotiation's web-site is under construction open to participation. Fell free to tell us what you think could be done.

If you have an idea to share, please, or you notice a translation to to be mended, please contact us and we'll try to implement it as soon as possible.

We are not design experts, and due to money and time limitations, we are making this web on our own. We do believe in open and free of charge software and try to base on them for creating every document. Those part of this page too. Find out how we're doing it.


The thinking

Actions are our Identity, our raison d'être. With them we pursue social benefit. In particular the maintenance of natural and archaeological spaces in optimum conditions for their non-risk visit and use. We will focus on sites, river, woods and mountains deteroration and damage for denouncing it, and also authorities negligence in the presence of decline, the lack of preventive actions or cut off access to public areas
A través de ellas denunciaremos el deterioro de bosques, ríos, montañas y yacimientos y la dejadez institucional ante el mal estado, la ausencia de medidas preventivas contra el deterioro o/y expolio, accesos cortados...

We wont stay behind. We encourage you not to remain apathetic. We need your active participation on different tasks, for you to boast about cleanning archaeo-sites vegetal cover, or even signing a proposal to authorities.

Obviously through volunteering, this actions will need specific matherials, and we are already negotiating and looking for funding for many of the initial set of them.

Nature ones

We want to start with: 

  • Paleobotany reforestation programme: Jaén's hills and mounts.
  • Access improvements: Frío river canyon: guardrail.
  • Spaces maintenance: Frío river Canyon: Removal of waste.


The first ones:

  • Vegetation cover clearance:
    Urban wall's site. Aceituno's door.
  • Autorities preassure: signatures campaign for investigating and adecuating for the visit of Puente Tablas Oppidum
  • Heritage awareness: Rock art


Look for a reason & Moove your feet

We want to bring back the bond with nature, get emoted with the simplest. We want to share with our home children and elder. Is there a better pretext than a walk for an afternoon together?

In addition walking activity makes heart work, so you'll strengthen your health while enjoying mediterranean scents and landscapes, that are yours too. Exercise makes our body to release tranquility hormones. Who knows, you may have a childhood endearing remind wathching a prehistoric wall, an insect or a tree sheet.

If you are not convinced yet, we want you to know tha the proposed walks will fund part of the above actions, so that you'll be supporting a common benefit by paying a small walking activity fee.

You can find out about the next walkings and those already done here.

Thursday's walk

There's one path way, just the one. We do love it, so if wheather allows, we'll be walking it every thursday. Didn't you come yet? do you love it too and want to repeat?

What to do?

The minute of silence: we vindicate it's beauty and will upload some of those silences for you to listen.
Human: noise being or how not to play drums.


Glosary groove

You can look up info in the file cards on every heritage elements we considered. Shold you think there is a missing one, please, contact us. 

We now need help for organising the messy idea... Still deciding the values to build a consistent file cards system, depending on the type of item. Next steps will be developing icons, filling the card's info and upload. After that revision.


Prehistory and natural actuality

You can consult the newspaper articles library, visit our 'virtual store' (or what we would sell if we could) and educational and other linked sites (mainly in Spanish)

Contact us

At your pace

Tom-tom us a message with your doubts, opinions and suggestions. 

For the asotiation actuality visit our wordpress, facebook, twitter or instagram spaces.